The International Connection group strives to support Shorecrest Preparatory School as the independent school of choice in the Tampa Bay Area for families who seek diversity, inclusion and cultural enrichment within a globally-aware community.
Based on a 2019 family survey, over 65 different countries are represented by Shorecrest families, faculty and staff – with many more having joined at the start of the new school year. Families have reported their nationality as being from Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Granada, Greece, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Laos, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, North Korea, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Venezuela and Vietnam.
The International Connection group, supported by the Director of Diversity & Inclusion:
- Acts as a social and support network to new and existing international families at Shorecrest
- Partners with the Parent Ambassador program through the Admissions office to facilitate the entry of new incoming international families into Shorecrest
Social Gatherings & Volunteering
I.C. is open to all parents/guardians, grandparents, faculty and staff interested in international culture and cultural enrichment, including families who were born outside the US, who have spent time living abroad, who speak different languages at home and/or have a general passion for or interest in this topic.
Meetings and events throughout the year allow for socialization. In addition, there are ample volunteering opportunities through our committees. Our focal point of the year is the school-wide International Festival.
Volunteer with International Festival

I.C. Contacts
New Families & Admissions
Contact: Susi Bean
Partners with the Office of Admissions to facilitate entry of incoming international Shorecrest families.
Social & Networking Events
Contacts: Sebnem Koc & Savina Mintcheva
Plan social events for IC group.
International Festival
Contacts: Tani Masvidal
Plans and directs the annual International Festival on campus.
Navigating Upper School and College Admissions
Contact: Susi Bean
Partners with the US College Counseling Team to host an annual Q&A session for parents and guardians who were educated outside the USA and are navigating the American high school and college application process for the first time.
Global Readers
Supports the Experiential School International group of readers who share books with classes in their native language and supporting cultural activities.
International Clubs & Programs At Shorecrest
There are many extra-curricular opportunities for Shorecrest students and the wider Shorecrest community to learn more about and connect to different cultures, including:
Global Explorers Student Exchange & Hosting Program
Opportunities for Lower and Middle school students and their families to join annual exchange programs and host overseas students.
Contact: Señora Emili Jaime-Allwood, Global Explorers Chair, Lower School Spanish Teacher
Global Scholars Initiative (GSI)
For students interested in advancing their international studies through an appreciation of world cultures and the acquisition of advanced language skills. Open to grades 10-12 upon application.
Contact: Kayla Brazee, US Social Studies Department Chair
Latinos en Shorecrest
Parent-led affinity group whose mission is to foster intercultural and language understanding in our children and empower Hispanic students and families in our community.
Contact: Roderick Fludd, Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Model United Nations (UN)
Simulation of UN General Assembly and bodies where students perform ambassador roles and debate a variety of topics.
Middle School: Open to students in grades 6-8 (and exceptionally to 5th graders who demonstrate skills in geography). Commences November 2019.
Contact: Steven Dionne, eighth grade History Teacher
Upper School: Open to students in grades 9-12. Contact: Daniel Asad
SEED (The Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity Project on Inclusive Curriculum)
National peer-led leadership organization open to adults of the Shorecrest Community. Contact: Roderick Fludd, Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Student Affinity Groups
Upper School also has student Affinity Groups. Student can learn more in the Upper School Clubs Handbook.
I.C. Contacts
Primary Staff Contact: Roderick Avery Fludd, Director of Diversity and Inclusion